WelcomeTo My World

Monday 21 November 2011

I don't choose to see myself as broken or damaged

I don't choose to see myself as broken or damaged because to do that would be to label myself and society puts enough labels on people. When you label yourself, you're restricting yourself and holding yourself back in life and in what you can do. Labels and titles don't define us as people. It's our character, who we are today, not who we used to be, that truly defines us as we define our own lives. Choose to see yourself as the beautiful, strong, independent, courageous, graceful, unique, extraordinary, original individual that you are; choose to see yourself as someone who is worth it, someone who is special, and someone who makes this world a better place simply by being in it for your greatest contribution and gift to the world is just being who you are. - Jenna Kandyce Linch


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